Jugar. Estar al aire libre. Hacer
cosas con las manos. Hacer cosas con el cuerpo. Sudar. Dejar de lado el
romanticismo. Querer como quieren los perros. No depilarse. Dormir. Ser
improductivo. No hacer nada. No sentir la obligación de hacer algo. Cantar. Lamer
a alguien. Comer con hambre. Correr. Cansarse físicamente. Mostrar los
sentimientos mediante acciones, no mediante palabras. Desnudarse. Dejar que te
vean desnudo. Acariciar y ser acariciado. No sentir celos. Eructar. Tirarse un
pedo. Oler. Ensuciarse. Hacer ruido. Sonar. Que las vallas no signifiquen nada.
No tener límites. Que el dinero tampoco signifique nada. No cortarse el pelo.
Mojarse. Ir descalzo. No tener que llenar cada minuto de la vida de sentido o
de utilidad. Tener miedo. Ser peligroso. No ser localizable. Perderse. Andar.
No pelar la fruta. Comérsela a mordiscos. Comer con las manos. Bostezar. Mirar
a un animal a los ojos. No volver a mirar un reloj. Quemarse. Odiar. Acechar.
Tener calor. Tener frío. Estar cómodo y también incómodo. Llegar tarde o antes
de lo previsto. Sorprenderse. Curiosear. No dar explicaciones ni pedir perdón.
To play. To spend time outdoors. To use one's hands for doing things. To use the body. To sweat. To avoid romanticism. To love as dogs do. Not to remove hair from the body. To sleep. To be inefficient. To do nothing. Not to feel the obligation of doing something. To sing. To lick someone's body. To eat when being hungry. To run. To get physically tired. To show feelings by acting instead of by talking. To get naket. To allow others to look at your naked body. To caress and to be caressed. Not to be jealous. To burp. To fart. To smell. To get dirty. To be noisy. To sound. Not to care about fences. To be unlimited. Not to care about money. Not to get one's hair cut. To get wet. To walk barefoot. Not to feel the obligation of spending one's life in a way that makes sense. To be afraid. To be dangerous. Not to be accessible. To get lost. To walk. Not to peel the skin of fruit. To bite. To use one's hands for eating. To yawn. To look into the eyes of an animal. Not to check the time anymore. To get burnt. To hate. To stalk. To be hot. To be cold. To be comfortable and uncomfortable. To be late or to arrive much earlier than expected. To get surprised. To nose around. Not to give any explanation neither to apologise. To go on.
To play. To spend time outdoors. To use one's hands for doing things. To use the body. To sweat. To avoid romanticism. To love as dogs do. Not to remove hair from the body. To sleep. To be inefficient. To do nothing. Not to feel the obligation of doing something. To sing. To lick someone's body. To eat when being hungry. To run. To get physically tired. To show feelings by acting instead of by talking. To get naket. To allow others to look at your naked body. To caress and to be caressed. Not to be jealous. To burp. To fart. To smell. To get dirty. To be noisy. To sound. Not to care about fences. To be unlimited. Not to care about money. Not to get one's hair cut. To get wet. To walk barefoot. Not to feel the obligation of spending one's life in a way that makes sense. To be afraid. To be dangerous. Not to be accessible. To get lost. To walk. Not to peel the skin of fruit. To bite. To use one's hands for eating. To yawn. To look into the eyes of an animal. Not to check the time anymore. To get burnt. To hate. To stalk. To be hot. To be cold. To be comfortable and uncomfortable. To be late or to arrive much earlier than expected. To get surprised. To nose around. Not to give any explanation neither to apologise. To go on.