They are farmers, artists, visitors, children. etc. They have almost no hair. They smoke, they cook, they work. Humans here declaim texts, perform and they also talk to each other. They sing and play the piano. They turn the radio on. Humans walk on two legs. They use clothes. They use machines and feed the animals. Humans drive cars and ride bikes. They drink coffee and tea, and coffee again. Humans are allowed to get into the kitchen. There is no space forbidden for them. They protect themselves from the Sun with sun glasses and sun cream as if these two barriers were shields.
Horses are tall. They rarely lie down. They are naked but their skin is protected under their hair. Sometimes, they have to wear certain clothes in order to help humans with their activities. They have big teeth and big and deep eyes. They walk on four legs. Horses live outside during the day and spend their nights inside the stables. They have to support human bodies on their backs and they have to pull carts. They like running in a clear and open area.
They do not live here anymore, but once they did, They were white. Only one of them was black. They took care of their lambs, who were born in february and march. Sheep used to bleat a lot. They were also naked, but protected their bodies with their wool.
They are self-sufficient. However, they sometimes need to be stroked by humans. There are three cats that frequent the farm: Two of them are siblings and they are both black and white, but they have such a different personality... The smaller one is sociable, but the bigger one is shy. Despite this fact, they love each other and they always sleep together. The third cat of Rood|Noot has a name and it is Truffels: a very sociable and colorful cat who is always miaowing and purring. Cats come and go and, then, they come back again unexpectedly.
They are always there. They are always noticed. They like being with humans but not too close. They sing and sound, no matter the hour. It is totally false that roosters sing at dawn. They sing when they want. They rarely fly. Chickens, hens and roosters are always in group, they potter around Rood|Noot doing this and that. They move the grit and the small stones that are on the floor with their legs. Sometimes they discuss. Sometimes, hens lay eggs, and they do it in any place.
They are almost invisible, but totally audible. They are small and cannot stay in the same place for a long period of time. They fly. Their feathers have the same color as trees' branches. They are small but they go far.
They are never noticed, but they are there. They are never seen, but they are there. They are never heard, but they are there. They are always there, small and 'continuous' creatures.
They are also unnoticed. Maybe because they are quiet. But they are not so quiet when the wind blows. They are in a perpetual process of change: from winter to spring, from summer to autumn. Changes are imperceptible until they become evident. Plants stand up in front of Leidsche Rijn, like warriors of memory, like witnesses of things that are about to happen.
They are always waiting for someone to make them move. They are made of metal, plastic or wood. They have wheels and buttons. They need to be recharged, refilled or restarted. They need batteries, oil, or gas. They are inanimate but they are not dead.
Does the animal need the machine? Does the plant need the animal? Does the machine need the plant?
Since human beings are the only creatures I can talk to, I have decided to include the answers some people that have worked at Rood|Noot as artists and/or farmers gave to some questions about this space. The names of the interviewed people are:
Theresa Lynn (artist, sculptor, MA Theatre Studies student)
Roos van Haaften (visual artist)
Riet Mellink (artist, writer)
Alexandra van der Vis-Kruijswijk (farmer, horse riding instructor)
E**** (artist, film maker)
Henny Kruijswijk (farmer, Alexandra's mother)Marjolein Sponselee (artist, writer, curator)
The following questions and answers focus on artistic activities at Rood|Noot:
1. How would you define and describe Rood|Noot?
Theresa: An oasis, where space and time to respond creatively, is given and everything imagined is possible: a place of absolute 'civilisation,' in the sense that the essential nature of living things is permitted, supported and loved. Interestingly, the isolation of the site by the encircling construction work, rather than destroying the feel of the place, actually accentuates, by contrast, the nature of the energy there.
Roos: An historical farm enclosed by building activities that march on. It has with a lack of view (which you might not expect at a farm), but once on the grounds, time slows down. An ‘in-between-space’ where the new/historical and nature/culture, overlap or encounter.
Riet: A cultural safe haven in the vinex-tsunami of Leidsche Rijn.
E****: As a ‘vrijhaven’, a place that gives artists of all disciplines space to work, to create, re-arrange, think, play, interact, rest, etc. The tiny piece of land that RoodNoot stands on, oppressed by the emerging city, almost acts like a symbol in itself; space for art and play is a necessity.
Marjolein: A slightly anarchistic enclave in a conscientiously planned environment:
Roos: An historical farm enclosed by building activities that march on. It has with a lack of view (which you might not expect at a farm), but once on the grounds, time slows down. An ‘in-between-space’ where the new/historical and nature/culture, overlap or encounter.
Riet: A cultural safe haven in the vinex-tsunami of Leidsche Rijn.
E****: As a ‘vrijhaven’, a place that gives artists of all disciplines space to work, to create, re-arrange, think, play, interact, rest, etc. The tiny piece of land that RoodNoot stands on, oppressed by the emerging city, almost acts like a symbol in itself; space for art and play is a necessity.
Marjolein: A slightly anarchistic enclave in a conscientiously planned environment:
2. What are you currently working / have recently been working on in Rood|Noot?
Roos:Short experiment for theatricality in my projection/shadow work, investigating a performative aspect and duration (a moving image).
Riet: In November ’14 I organized and participated in ‘De Tafel in de Kippenren’, 3 days of freeflowwwriting, live-writing, singing, reading and performing with Charlotte Caeckaert and Leela May Stokholm, supported by Wout and Peter. In march ’15 I organized and participated in Veldwerk, the fourth short-residency for artists.
E****: I’ve used my time at RoodNoot mostly for re-arranging my thoughts, meeting people, interact with them. I’ve worked with Roos, another artist, on a project she is doing and I did research for some film-projects I am working on right now.
Marjolein: "De kip en de einder" in 2014. Installation art and performances.
Theresa: It was about anger and how it is swallowed. There is a performance text, but I attach an image if the empty kitchen, which captures the stillness which allowed the emotions to come to the surface, without being forced beneath a polite overlay of everyday responses.
Roos: I tried some ‘scenes’ with objects on the overhead projector, soapsuds, cutouts, drawings...
Riet: In Veldwerk I have been writing inspired by the fast changing landscape around Rood|Noot. I have been walkwriting, swingwriting. Writing in my notebook as well as on the pavement, on bridges, etc.
E****: Together with Roos I have been experimenting with shadows and movement. The film-ideas I have been doing research for are about emergency drills and children’s games*. With both subjects I am focusing on the way people move within the game/drill, the rules, how everybody has it’s on roll within the bigger picture, the choreography.
*I found it very interesting en fun that my co-roodnooters pointed out the subjects play, rules en concentration, from the personal words I wrote at the beginning of the week. You should do some ‘serious play’ they said. Without knowing this not only made sense on a personal level (searching for a new working-mode) but on the subjects I am working on as well.
Marjolein: About change and a mixture of nostalgia and future horizons.
Roos: I tried some ‘scenes’ with objects on the overhead projector, soapsuds, cutouts, drawings...
Riet: In Veldwerk I have been writing inspired by the fast changing landscape around Rood|Noot. I have been walkwriting, swingwriting. Writing in my notebook as well as on the pavement, on bridges, etc.
E****: Together with Roos I have been experimenting with shadows and movement. The film-ideas I have been doing research for are about emergency drills and children’s games*. With both subjects I am focusing on the way people move within the game/drill, the rules, how everybody has it’s on roll within the bigger picture, the choreography.
*I found it very interesting en fun that my co-roodnooters pointed out the subjects play, rules en concentration, from the personal words I wrote at the beginning of the week. You should do some ‘serious play’ they said. Without knowing this not only made sense on a personal level (searching for a new working-mode) but on the subjects I am working on as well.
Marjolein: About change and a mixture of nostalgia and future horizons.
4. Was Rood|Noot a source of inspiration for you? In what way?
Theresa: The self-contained nature of the place, having such an unusual number of spaces with still, positive energy, allowed me to explore how I actually felt. They are constructed of, and filled with, natural materials, which contributes particular textures, colours, sounds and smells: there is very little unnecessary movement, so one tunes in to the pace of the resident animals and there is no sense of a need to go off-site, in order to carry on one's life.
Roos: Yes, both in terms of location and people. The location is warm and welcoming, the dialogue with other ‘field workers’ inspirational. And the CATS!!!
Riet: Absolutely. By Kirsten, Peter and Wout I have been asked, inspired and encouraged to find my own way to express what I wanted tp express. The farm reminds me of the farm where I was born. The crazy surroundings of the place is inspiring as well as terrifying.
E****: Mostly from the people I have met and the conversations I’ve had. But also being out of my daily routine for a moment; just wandering around, tagging along, not knowing what the day will bring...
Marjolein: Yes, the nature of the place itself as a location and in the way people work together and exchange ideas.
Roos: Yes, both in terms of location and people. The location is warm and welcoming, the dialogue with other ‘field workers’ inspirational. And the CATS!!!
Riet: Absolutely. By Kirsten, Peter and Wout I have been asked, inspired and encouraged to find my own way to express what I wanted tp express. The farm reminds me of the farm where I was born. The crazy surroundings of the place is inspiring as well as terrifying.
E****: Mostly from the people I have met and the conversations I’ve had. But also being out of my daily routine for a moment; just wandering around, tagging along, not knowing what the day will bring...
Marjolein: Yes, the nature of the place itself as a location and in the way people work together and exchange ideas.
5. How would you define your relationship with Rood|Noot?
Theresa: As a place where I would always be welcome and comfortable – significantly, where my contribution would be valued.
Roos: Early.
Riet: We’re friends, colleagues, inspirators, collaborators. I feel at home there.
E****: I was a guest there and hope to visit again.
Marjolein: Definitely not a mistake.
Roos: Early.
Riet: We’re friends, colleagues, inspirators, collaborators. I feel at home there.
E****: I was a guest there and hope to visit again.
Marjolein: Definitely not a mistake.
6. Choose and write only one word that comes to your mind when you think about Rood|Noot.
Theresa: Stillness.
Roos: Flow.
Riet: Freedom.
E****: Noodzaak (necessity)
Marjolein: Coffee.
Theresa: Stillness.
Roos: Flow.
Riet: Freedom.
E****: Noodzaak (necessity)
Marjolein: Coffee.
Theresa's project |
Roos and E****'s project |
Riet's November 2014 project |
Riet's March 2015 project |
Marjolein's project |
The questions where asked in Dutch, so here it is the English version:
1. Describe Rood|Noot.
2. Make a list including the daily activities you perform at Rood|Noot.
3. Describe the relationship between art and farming.
Alexandra van der Vis-Kruijswijk's answers:
1. Describe Rood|Noot.
A monumental farm built in 1880
Henny Kruijswijk's answers:
Translation of Henny Kruijswijk's answers:
1. Describe Rood|Noot.
Yes, Rood Noot is an oasis of calm. Unfortunately, there are other plans that do away with that calm.
2. Make a list including the daily activities you perform at Rood|Noot.
My daily activities are to provide guests with drinks and warmth. And...to walk around the farm for maintaining order.
3. Describe the relationship between art and farming.
The relationship between art and farming is a great collaboration and these activities are helpful to one another.
I am also an animal, I am also a creature of Rood|Noot. Some people think that the observer has to be outside of the 'object' s/he analyses... But, how can I be outside? This is not an attempt for objectivity. I do not want to provide an aseptic description of Rood|Noot and its inhabitants. The mere act of watching affects the observed reality because I cannot be outside myself, I cannot see through other eyes that are not mine. So, I am also going to answer the questions:
A space where things are changing, where things are mixing, where things are created and destroyed, where things are developing, flowing, moving.
2. What are you currently working / have recently been working on in Rood|Noot?
I am working on a project that focuses on WILDNESS and how it relates to CIVILIZATION in this specific context (Rood|Noot).
3. What is / was you project about? Can you include a representative picture of this project?
It consists of both a perfoRmance and a peformance-game. I want to underline the wild character of Rood|Noot as an oasis surrounded by capitalist civilization.
4. Was Rood|Noot a source of inspiration for you? In what way?
Yes, it is constantly being a source of inspiration. The project is being developed HERE so there is no way not to be influenced by this space.
5. How would you define your relationship with Rood|Noot?
Container-content. Belonging.