Performativity: Space performs its own existence. The essence or idiosyncrasy of a given space is the consequence of the continuous actualization of its existence through activity.
Landscape: Space contains the multiplicity. Space is not an empty and aseptic place anymore, but a place that allows everything to happen.
Timespace: Space is not distinguishable form time anymore. Space takes place in time.
Event: Space is happening. It is not the container or the surface where things take place. Instead, space itself becomes the happening. Space is always in motion.
Rhizome. Deleuze and Guattari defined the rhizome as the "system" characterized by non-hierarchy and non-central distribution of its elements. The dynamic and modifiable relationships that connect one element of the rhizome with other (various) elements are relevant for the comprehension of the world.
Site-specificity: The ability of creating something (for example an artwork) suitable for a spacific space.